Tuesday, January 8, 2013



Please forward this may be a blessing to someone
Knowledge is power…The use of knowledge is real power!

Prince Georges Community College has a program called" Hospitality Express 4 Success". Participants will receive 3 industry-recognized certifications, computer and job readiness training and help finding a job in the hospitality industry. Some of the requirements are:

Live in Prince Georges County
Be 18-26 years old and have a valid picture ID
Have a high school diploma or GED
Have no visible tattoos or piercings
Have no criminal background

I saved the best for last. These classes are FREE!!!!!!! Also, if you continue your education at PGCC you will be given a $2000.00 scholarship. The website is www.pgcc.edu/go/hospitalityexpress4success

Or you can call Denise Ware      301 386 7596.
Kim Rhim or Cecilia Knox          301 499 8872
Dr. Cindy Gossage                    301 341 3090

Please pass this information on to family and friends!!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black Friday advice from just piddlin

Tips for Black Friday Shopping Posted: 21 Nov 2012 05:19 AM PST What are you more excited about this week - the turkey and cranberry sauce or the Black Friday sales (which, it seems, now start on Thursday, or even Wednesday)? Each Thanksgiving, for years now, as I spoon through another slice of sweet potato pie or red velvet cake or banana pudding and a cup of coffee, I watch a master get-the-best-deal, Black Friday expert at work.  To prepare you for your holiday shopping, I'm going to share some of her tactics (I hope these aren't proprietary and I get kicked off the Christmas list). A week before Thanksgiving, call/text/email everyone on your Christmas list and ask them for their wish list, current sizes, favorite color, and mailing address.  Act surprised when they (again) are not ready and don't know their children's shoe sizes. Collect all the sales papers for every store in a 50-mile radius that might have anything on your shopping list.  Add to your pile - coupons, special codes, random gift cards, and spare change. Map out the locations of the stores, especially plan for the ones that are in the same shopping center or the mall.  Refer to floor plan of the stores to map out shopping strategy. Based on hourly sale specials, figure out how many assistants you will need to efficiently and economically navigate the stores. Arrange childcare for any children who are too young to push a cart and stand in cashier check-out line alone, they will slow you down and take up cart space. Remind hubby, while he is distracted watching the football game and eating banana pudding, that he is on shift as driver and package carrier. Remind everyone who is not going with you how sorry they will be when they: have to pay higher prices later, are still shopping the week before Christmas, can't find the stuff on their gift list. Debate whether you can stay up for midnight madness shopping and continue through to Black Friday 4 a.m. openings. Go to sleep, power shopping requires you to be at peak performance. If all that is more than you are ready for this year, let me share with you my Black Friday shopping plans. While eating another slice of cake and cup of coffee, watch expert-shopper (also known as "sister-in-law") plan shopping. Note some sales items in store ads. Realize that people are planning on getting in line at 4 a.m. to get sales prices. Beg expert-shopper to take your money and do your shopping.  Note - she may refuse, be prepared to have to do fill your gift list yourself. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Children have feelings too

Do you have children with someone that you are no longer dating or married to? Well I have a piece of advice for you! No matter what the other parent has done or will do, DO NOT discuss your problems with anyone, especially someone of the opposite sex in front of the kids! They know mommy and daddy are not together anymore, but do they really need to know all the details???
They don't need to know mommy's new boyfriend is a loser or daddy's new girlfriend sleeps around.  The break up may have been rough or the child support expensive but this is just another area where you must submit. Give those emotions, and feelings to God not the next ex. Yes they may be listening to you and they may even act interested but you are really giving them ammo to use against you in the future. All the while the children are absorbing life lessons for the future. As my Pastor always says more is caught than taught. Children may never say anything or give you any idea they are listening, but trust me they are. They are also taking internal mental notes of their tolerance level. They are forming a list of the things they will or won't deal with in their futures. As parents of course we want more for kids than we have or are able to give. So allow them to enjoy the life of love whether you have or not. Your bitterness is not their business. So stay true to yourself and learn how to fall in love with love!

Friday, June 22, 2012

The secret desires of the heart

The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar. Proverbs 19:22  Their was a couple and early in their marriage, she had loved her husband's gentle spirit and giving nature. He had spent time with the children, and he had loved the free time he could devote to his family. As the years passed, things changed. He devoted more and more of himself to his job. He became obsessed with getting ahead. The pressures he felt at work he brought home with him, and he vented his frustrations on his family. His once-gentle spirit had turned hard, and it appeared that he had forgotten how to give. She was very sad over the change and realized that part of it was her fault. She had grown accustomed to living well, and the only way their lifestyle could be maintained was through her husband's hard work. Deep inside, she wished that things would be different. What should she do? What would you do? Her Pride is stopping her from speaking to her husband about how she feels. She doesn't want any back lash from him, nor does she want to give up her lifestyle because of the onlookers that are in her life. She wants to maintain without sacrifice. She has to submit to the Will of God. Begin to pray for husband. Not worry or think about what others think of her or the materlistic things in her life. Please comment tell me what you would do, and LET ME SEE THE PRIDE IN YOUR SUBMISSION!  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day I was one of those women that took Pride in taking credit for my role in Father's Day. What does that mean? When you feel like you are raising children alone you want all the credit you can get. So you start accepting Happy Fathers Day the same way you accept Happy Mothers Day. No matter how much you do you were never meant to play both roles. I had to humble myself and stop falling into that illusion. I am a woman, all woman 100%. So what I had to find a barber shop by myself, or learn how to throw a football, or shoot a basketball. None of that made me a man, and no matter how hard I tried to overcompensate for that lack it still does not entitle me to step outside of what or who God created me to be. As a mother I can raise my sons to the best of my ability. Will they still lack a male role model, of course. The same way a single father raising a daughter will miss a female role model. But you can bet that single father will never take credit for Mothers Day. Yes you can bring home the bacon fry it up in a pan BUT NEVER FORGET YOU ARE A WOMAN!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

PRIDE a word a lot of people use when describing things they are proud of. I Pride myself in my work or I pride myself in a certain skill. But having too much pride can be a very dangerous thing. Especially if you lose focus or sight of the opposite of pride. HUMILITY
 I am in Spirit of Faith's Bible Institute and the only class that I had trouble with was Humility. I have humble tendancies but I was more prideful than anything. But as I am learning and you should too having too much pride can be hazardous. Let me give you a few examples:
  1. Have you ever went to work and left your wallet (or just plain broke) at home but didnt realize it until lunchtime. Now it's luchtime and you are hungry with empty pockets but refuse to tell anyone that you have no money. Your pride won't let you.
  2. Have you ever been driving and tried to get over. The driver in the car beside you knows you are trying to get over but refuse to let you. What do you do? Do you humble yourself and get behind them or do you force your way over whether they let you in or not? Well your probably tried to force your way in and if you were not successful you gave them the finger and whatever verbal abuse you could muster from inside your car.
These are things I have done and probably things you have done too. But in Phillipians Chapter 2 we learn how to imitate Christ. In the Message Bible it states  1-4If you've gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My first BLOG

Pride in Submission is my new blog site. I started this blog after several nudges from a close friend. I guess it would only be fair to tell you about myself before I go any further. My name is TaJuana and I am currently 38 years old I have to sons ages 16 & 11. I am married and have been for 11 years. My parents are both awesome and still married after 40+ years. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. ( I have several other none blood siblings) The reason I chose this topic for my blog is because I was one of those I don't need a man I can do everything by myself type of females. I had too much "PRIDE" for my own good. But as I became more of a KINGDOM CHIC I learned how much more pride I could gain in submission. So stick with me and together we will learn how to show Pride in our Submission!